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Business Impact Tracker

The Business Impact Tracker enables media SMEs to assess their sustainability maturity in a standardised format, comparable with consensus ESG ratings. 

It is a transparent set of 26 questions across Environment, Employees, Community & Supply Chains and Governance. 

Get your ESG score today: 

  • Demonstrate to your corporate customers your progress

  • Be included in ESG-aligned portfolios and supply chains

  • Have a clear roadmap for improvement across all the key areas


  • This is just for you and your organisation. No need to upload evidence - you’ve nothing to prove!

  • The self-assessment version asks all the same questions as full validation, and will give you the same score and next steps to improve, but your score will be unverified

  • This is a safe environment for you to understand where you are currently and what you might be able to do to progress on your sustainability journey.

  • You can do this rapidly in as litlte as 20 minutes, or more thoroughly with some colleagues over an hour.

  • Happy scoring!



Validation track

  • If you want to verify your score, you’ll be asked to upload evidence to demonstrate the answers you have selected.

  • Once you’ve uploaded your evidence and you’re ready to submit, you’ll pay your verification fee which is dependent on your organisation size.

  • Your verifier will be assigned within 5 working days, and will be in touch with any questions or additional evidence requests to justify your score.

  • Once verified, you’ll receive a notification of the final score, and your scores will be passed to Legacy Media to be made available through their ESG reporting platforms.


from £1500 ex VAT


Watch the Business Impact Tracker in action.

Assessment Process

The Assessment Process

You can choose which assessment track to take - self-assessment or validation track, and change from one to the other when you're ready.


Self Assessmentb

Validation track

Validation Track

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